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Real Talk :
Putting together a life-changing course or membership website doesn't happen in an afternoon.

Here's what you can get done in an afternoon:

Integrate with your CRM

Or use AccessAlly’s email functionality and skip this step.

Integrate payments

Set up Your core pages

Pick your core colors

and even set up a starter course

with the AccessAlly Theme

AccessAlly Course Builder

Trying To Rush Through Set Up Is What 
Separates Successful Enterprising Teachers From Those Who Throw In The Towel.

Successful course creators

Invest in mastering the right tool

to get all of the flexibility and long term benefits of the platform.

Understand it takes time to do it right

and plan accordingly, so nothing feels rushed or last minute.

Stay with and improve on existing strategy

using data, feedback, and intuition to make things even better.

Launch based on demand

by listening to what people want and what they’ve proven they’re willing to invest in.

Let others work in their zone of genius

by hiring experts and trusting them to do their best work.

Struggling course creators

Keep moving from platform to platform

in the hopes that the next one will save their business.

want everything done yesterday

including their membership and course website.

Chase new tactics

never giving one business model or idea enough runway to take off.

Launch on a prayer

hoping that people will buy because it’s a great program.

Don't ask for help

because collaborating with others takes more effort than trudging through alone.

how much time does a successful course creator set aside?

Project Phase Time Investment
Customer research and project planning 2-4 weeks
Web design and theme setup
(or in an afternoon with the AccessAlly Theme)
2-4 weeks
Course content creation 2-4 weeks
Order form, course and membership setup 1-2 weeks
Marketing automation setup 1-2 weeks
Writing sales copy and marketing collateral 2-4 weeks
Testing and launch readiness review 1-2 weeks

Estimate between 10 to 22 weeks depending on the complexity of the project, the team, and the skillset of everyone involved.

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