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Zapier Integration

Let AccessAlly send your data through Zapier to any integrated app on the web. This integration makes it easier to run automation outside of your core CRM.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool that allows you to integrate between web applications. When an event happens in one app, Zapier can tell another app to perform a particular action – all with no coding needed. That means you can connect AccessAlly to thousands of other web apps including MailChimp, GoogleSheets, AWeber, and so much more.

Why did we integrate with Zapier?

We integrated with Zapier (per popular request) because it automates workflows. Basically, that means you can set something to run automatically. You are the master of setting up a simple command, “when this happens, do that.”

This is great if you have repetitive tasks between AccessAlly and other apps.

When would you use AccessAlly with Zapier?

You would want to use Zapier and AccessAlly for tasks you have to do frequently. For example, sending out a Gravity Form survey every time a member completes one of your AccessAlly courses.

You would want to use Zapier anytime you want to move information from AccessAlly to another app. For example, copying names, email addresses, and payment amounts into a Google Spreadsheet whenever a member purchases one of your AccessAlly offerings.

You would want to use Zapier for tasks that don’t require much thinking. For example, adding a tag to someone in Mailchimp when they complete quiz a quiz in AccessAlly but they didn’t pass the quiz. You can then use this tag to email all of the people who will need to retake the quiz.

How do you use AccessAlly with Zapier?

When you are creating an automated workflow from AccessAlly to Zapier, that is called a Zap. It’s the simple command: “When this happens, do that.”

Every Zap has a trigger and one or more actions. A trigger is an event that starts a Zap, and an action is what your Zap does for you. When a Zap runs, each action it completes counts as one task.

Think of actions and triggers as building blocks for your Zap. Start with your trigger and add the action or actions you want Zapier to perform.

Zap: “When someone purchases my AccessAlly offering, I want their email address and purchase information to fill in my Google Spreadsheet.”

Trigger: someone purchases your AccessAlly offering

Action: email address & purchase information fills Google Spreadsheet

Tasks: the number of successful Zaps completed. In this case, if 3 people are added to your spreadsheet, that means there have been 3 successful tasks. This is important to know because Zapier’s pricing plan is based on the number of tasks completed.

For a step-by-step on how to connect AccessAlly and Zapier together, click here.

Here is the resource to learn more about Zapier.

What triggers are available?

You can use AccessAlly’s built-in triggers and run tests for the following events:

  1. Client Submits Preliminary Order Information: This is a great way to do abandoned cart follow-up for people who start an order form, but don’t complete their order.
  2. Client Opts in via an AccessAlly Form: Add a new contact to another email marketing platform, or send their info somewhere else easily.
  3. Client Successfully Makes a Purchase: Track sales data in a spreadsheet or anywhere else, for easier bookkeeping.
  4. AccessAlly Custom Operation Trigger: This is where the magic happens, because you can trigger a zap through progress tracking and a bunch of other areas within AccessAlly.

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