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Customer Success Story

The Reliable Platform That Evolves With The Entrepreneur

Annabel Kaye is the founder of Koffee Klatch, a one-stop shop for digital businesses looking for a strong legal foundation through contracts, policies, agreements, and GDPR support groups.

Koffee Klatch offers a range of industry-specific legal documents for virtual assistants, social media managers, graphic and web designers, coaches, bookkeepers, and course creators.

Each downloadable product comes with training videos, which used to be sent via ActiveCampaign emails. This delivery method was unreliable and took a lot of work to set up, so Annabel set out to find a better option.

Looking for a Place to House Documents and Videos

Her search began in business-focused Facebook groups, where people often compare tech tools.

One tool that comes up often is Kajabi, but she noticed that it wasn’t working out for a lot of people.

“People see Kajabi as their great white hope, but it doesn’t really turn out it seems like.”

She was looking for a WordPress solution that would work with her existing set up, including WooCommerce and ActiveCampaign.

The thing that initially attracted her to AccessAlly was that she could just get going with it. She didn’t have to design the whole thing from the beginning, but she could layer more functionality on over time.

Hesitations Before Choosing AccessAlly

One hesitation she had before diving into AccessAlly was whether or not there were enough people who knew how to set up and maintain this software.

The last thing you want to do is get up and running with software that you can’t manage or train someone to manage for you.

Luckily, AccessAlly has resources like the free in-depth AccessAlly 101 training that anyone can sign up for to learn the software.

Annabel also realized that even if AccessAlly is relatively “niche”, the people who know the software really know it and she could find someone else that knew it well.

The Number One Reason for Choosing AccessAlly

“My number one reason for buying AccessAlly is that I didn’t have to spend 6 months learning tech before having something out. I could do it bit by bit.”

Annabel had a vision for moving the onboarding videos into AccessAlly first, then transitioning her downloadable products, and finally rolling out a membership when the time was right.

She also appreciates the fact that AccessAlly can easily integrate with a forum in one place, through CommunityAlly or other WordPress forum plugins.

Quote by Annabel Kaye the founder of Koffee Klatch stating how she likes the functionality of AccessAlly

Having everything her customers need in one place is a huge advantage.

“There is a broad spectrum of what we do at Koffee Klatch. And as I change my mind, like all good entrepreneurs do, I don’t have to keep changing my platform.”

What Annabel thinks about AccessAlly today

“I love your platform because I never have to think about it. Reliable is the most underrated in business. Everyone wants to be exciting, but I care about reliability.”

Annabel shared that AccessAlly is one of the softwares that she uses in her business where she doesn’t wake up at 3 in the morning thinking, “now what’s it done.”

“I love your platform because I never have to think about it. I like the fact that AccessAlly has continuity, and even if you do add all the bells and whistles, don’t take away the stuff that some of us rely on.”

In terms of who it’s best for, Annabel would recommend AccessAlly to people who want a membership site or write courses.

Photo of Annabel Kaye

"I can do everything within AccessAlly"

As I change my mind about how I want to deliver things, like all good entrepreneurs do, I don’t want to have to keep changing my platform.

I can do everything within AccessAlly, but I also don’t have to do it all if I don’t want to.

Location: London, UK

AccessAlly Client Since: 2018

Switched from: Several Websites

CRM: ActiveCampaign

AccessAlly is the most powerful WordPress solution for scaling online courses & memberships

Start with AccessAlly’s theme or use any other WordPress theme or builder, to get the exact look you’re after.

Then take advantage of the flexible course builder to design the learning experience you’ve always dreamed of. 

Add on the power of gamification, progress tracking, and teams to give even more momentum to your members.

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