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Home » Software releases » AccessAlly 3.9.1

AccessAlly 3.9.1

We’ve got a quick follow-up release that includes updates in AccessAlly, ProgressAlly, and CommunityAlly. 

New Improvements in AccessAlly 3.9.1

  • For our Emiratis members, we have now added the AED currency.
  • Now you can upload VTT files for captions on Amazon AWS videos. You have the ability to add English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, or Bulgarian subtitles. Click here to see how.

Bug fixes in 3.9.1

  • We fixed a bug where menu links in clickable media objectives couldn’t be clicked.
  • We have changed the billing address sent to Stripe to use the 2-letter ISO country code instead of the full country name. The full country name was causing issues when Stripe was integrated with Quaderno.


  • We improved navigation and design in the frontend display of CommunityAlly Groups. Now, using any theme, you are able to pick a different template for each Group page. Also, if you are using the AccessAlly theme, the Offering Menu will automatically show up. Here is where you’ll find this setting.
  • We also fixed some mobile display issues for our CommunityAlly Groups. Cover images and text are all mobile friendly now!

Thank you!

Oh, and if you’ve been hesitating about making the switch to the new Stripe Connect integration, here’s a quick video showing you how easy it is (and why it won’t interrupt your payments). 

We will be deprecating the old Stripe API, so make the switch now before that happens!

Nathalie Lussier

I’m a writer, technologist, and regenerative farmer. I founded AccessAlly with my husband in one frantic weekend to solve my immediate course platform issues. Over a decade later the company has grown, and our product has evolved to serve millions of learners across the globe.

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