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Customer Success Story

From Art to Enterprise: How Katie Colormaiden Built a Business that Reflects Her Artistic Vision

Everyone has creativity within them, but only a select few are able to shape their artistic talents into thriving, impactful businesses. Katie Colormaiden is one of those rare individuals.

As the visionary behind EmbodyArt by Colormaiden, Katie provides not just artistic solutions, but practical, high-level services to individuals and big brands alike.

She blends her skills as a designer, writer, and developer to offer a palette of services. Whether it’s crafting eye-catching designs, writing up compelling content, or building beautifully structured websites, her work is an artistic process, with every detail thoughtfully designed to stand out.

And as if that weren’t impressive enough, as a certified AccessAlly developer, she’s also built her own suite of courses designed to help others master everything from decluttering to building their own online businesses.

In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at Katie’s incredible success story – her impressive achievements, the challenges she faced, and how AccessAlly helped her master the balance between being a visionary artist and a savvy business owner.

EmbodyArt by Colormaiden: Designing Custom Solutions for Membership and Course Creators

Katie’s entrepreneurial journey began with EmbodyArt, a service dedicated to helping individuals and businesses develop their dream digital platforms. 

With her unique blend of art and tech expertise, Katie provides a range of services – design, marketing, copywriting, and web development – with a special place in her heart to support those building membership and online course sites.

She understands that many of her clients are stepping into unfamiliar territory, often unsure of how to structure their courses or deliver content. Katie thrives in these moments, helping them make key decisions about everything from course modules to drip schedules and overall design.

“I am a die-hard entrepreneur. I love entrepreneurs. I’m happy to talk that through with everybody and help them… because it’s the creative side of me.”

Katie’s collaborative, hands-on approach has drawn in a loyal (not to mention impressive) group of clients, from solopreneurs to massive Fortune 500 companies.

EmbodyArt by Colormaiden testimonials

Colormaiden isn’t just a design or website builder service – it’s Katie. Her passion is what makes everything possible. Clients don’t just come for the services; they come for her. 

She’s the one turning their ideas into reality, guiding them through every challenge with unwavering support. It’s her unique touch that brings their vision to life, and they trust her completely because they know she’s got their back, every step of the way.

From Client Work to Her Own Creations

Between building course websites for her clients, Katie realized it was time to put her own skills to use. So, she set out to create a few courses of her own, and needless to say, she’s already launched several amazing ones, with even more on the way. 

Decluttering Dudes

Decluttering Dudes is a lively, two-week online program designed to help entrepreneurial guys clear out the mess in their workspaces. With bite-sized lessons, private chats, and a creative approach, Katie helps disorganized dudes tackle their clutter while boosting productivity and mental focus. 

Trash to Cash

Trash to Cash is the perfect next step for anyone ready to take all that clutter and turn it into profit. In this fun 5-week course, you’ll learn how to tidy up and sell those forgotten items on Poshmark. With helpful tips, live Q&A sessions, and plenty of motivation, this course helps you take control of your space and enjoy the rewards of clearing it out. 

SpreadSheet Love

Spreadsheet Love is a bit different from Katie’s other decluttering-focused programs. While those focus on getting rid of what you don’t need, this 4-week program is all about gaining more of what you do: more clients, more leads, and more results. 

You’ll learn how to attract the right people for your programs, events, or services while mastering daily money management using Katie’s proven spreadsheet system. It’s simple, practical, and designed to help you grow your business in ways that matter.

EmbodyArt by Colormaiden Online Course Offerings

Overcoming Creative Roadblocks: Katie’s Path to Finding the Right Platform

Katie has been in business for over 20 years, but the early years were marked by constant frustration. She tested countless tools, hoping to find the right platform, but most fell short of her creative and professional standards.

She kept thinking, “Oh, maybe there’s a super simple do-it-yourself platform, and they always fall flat.”

As a self-described “picky designer,” Katie found herself limited by rigid templates and clunky systems that stifled her creativity. 

These platforms made it difficult to deliver the fully customized designs she envisioned for her clients, leading to constant hurdles in her work.

After years of searching, Katie finally found a solution that allowed her to break free from the restrictions of other platforms and create the kind of work she always knew she could.

Everything changed when Katie discovered AccessAlly.

Katie’s Creative Breakthrough: AccessAlly Features That Make It All Possible

With AccessAlly, Katie had finally found a platform that offered the customization and design freedom she had been searching for. She could create websites that reflected both her vision and her clients’ needs without being boxed in by the software.

“I love AccessAlly so much! I’m so proud of what I’ve done with them.”

Excited about how it changed her work, Katie gave us a behind-the-scenes tour of her website, showcasing the very features that enhance her projects and demonstrating the high-level service she provides to her clients.

Snappy Login

Our exclusive tour began with a look at Katie’s customer portal, where our Snappy Login feature immediately stood out. 

Katie agrees she was drawn to how simple and convenient AccessAlly’s Snappy Login made the process. With its password-free system, users can log in hassle-free, without worrying about remembering or storing passwords.

The snappy login, love it, love it!”

However, through her work with clients, Katie realized that while some love the convenience, others still feel more comfortable with the traditional username and password setup. 

Recognizing this, she offers both options, giving her clients the flexibility to choose what works best for them.

Ultimately, it’s all about offering choice. Snappy Login is perfect for those who want an easier, password-free experience, but Katie makes sure her clients have options that match their comfort level and needs.

Customizable Navigation Menu

After we navigated Katie’s offerings page, she took us into one of her favorite projects – Spreadsheet Love. There, our conversation slid (literally) to the right of her screen where we started talking about her beautifully organized navigation menu. 

“This is my menu… another example of something that I adore about AccessAlly and why I can’t use anything else!

Katie loves how AccessAlly lets her fully customize her menus, something she couldn’t do with other platforms. Instead of being stuck with rigid templates, she can design menus that fit her style and her clients’ needs. 

“I love designing my menus like this.

EmbodyArt by Colormaiden homepage navigation menu

Katie applies the same meticulous attention to detail to every corner of her website, making it easy for clients to navigate and find exactly what they need.

Whether they’re exploring her services, browsing her portfolio, or accessing resources, visitors are treated to the same thoughtful design and seamless functionality that Katie infuses into all of her projects.

eCommerce Order Forms

A simple, clear navigation like Katie’s makes it easy for prospective clients to find and order her services. But what people often overlook is the more complicated side of ecommerce – actually setting up a way to collect payments. 

For any online business, a well-designed order form can make or break the customer experience. It’s not just about processing a payment – it’s about making the entire process feel smooth, secure, and professional. 

 “I absolutely love the AccessAlly Order Forms… and the fact that it has simple, clear, easy-to-use e-commerce right in it.”  

Katie is a big fan of AccessAlly’s built-in ecommerce tools. She loves how easy it is to design and implement order forms that fit perfectly with the rest of the website’s look and feel. 

EmbodyArt by Colormaiden AccessAlly Order Form

Katie also appreciates the design-focused features AccessAlly Order forms offer too, like bleeding edges, which allow her to give her site the elegant aesthetic she prefers. 

EmbodyArt by Colormaiden

“You can’t do things like that in pretty much any other platform.”

For Katie, AccessAlly offers a level of elegance and ease that’s hard to find elsewhere. Our eCommerce tools allow her to transform what could be a boring transaction into a seamless experience that’s as smooth as it is stylish for her and her clients. 

Unique Course Offering Structure 

When we asked Katie what she loves most about AccessAlly, she lit up talking about our unique approach to structuring online courses

“It’s the evolution of online courses. I feel like they [AccessAlly] was a bit ahead of the game in realizing it’s not really about online courses or memberships anymore. It’s about all the different things we can do online. And Offerings is much more…”

And she’s right. AccessAlly’s Offering structure opens up endless possibilities for Katie and her clients. Whether it’s lead magnets, courses, protected content, membership tiers, communities, or affiliate centers – if it needs to be locked behind a login, AccessAlly makes it possible. 

This flexibility allows Katie to create far more than traditional online courses, expanding the ways she connects with her audience and adding additional revenue streams to her business.

By creating and selling her own courses, Katie has diversified her income beyond her core services, growing her business model in exciting new directions. Plus, she’s taken that expertise and used it to help her clients do the same.

By combining her course-building skills with her membership site design services, Katie helps her clients create flexible, powerful offerings on their websites – just as AccessAlly has allowed her to do.

“It’s kind of what we live for. To be able to take what you have that makes you special and present it in a way that is appealing and helpful to other people.” 

Katie embodies both the creativity of an artist and the drive of an entrepreneur. She knows the pride that comes from building something from scratch and seeing it succeed – the kind of achievement that only someone who truly loves what they do can experience. 

Her mission is to help other entrepreneurs do the same – to reach the achievements they’ve always dreamed of.

Katie’s AccessAlly Story is Proof of True Business Creative Freedom

Katie’s experience with AccessAlly goes beyond just another business success story – it’s about growth, creativity, and finding the freedom to build something that truly reflects who she is. 

She didn’t settle for a cookie-cutter solution. Instead, she found a platform that let her take what she loves, what she cares about, and turn it into something that helps people in a real way.

“Why I love AA
This is my whole life. This is me. This is everything that I love and care about. And I’m getting to put it out into the world in a way that I can share. That people appreciate and can use and that helps them. It’s kinda amazing really.”

By giving her the creative control she craved, AccessAlly opened up new paths for Katie. It helped her grow her business while staying true to her passions. 

Her story is a reminder that choosing the right tools for your business isn’t about following trends or doing what everyone else is doing. It’s about finding what works best for you, your goals, and your vision.

Visit her website to explore her work and learn how she’s used AccessAlly to grow her business. If you’re inspired, there’s no better time to start your own with AccessAlly and see what it can do for your business too.

"I love AccessAlly so much! I’m so proud of what I’ve done with them."

AccessAlly is the most powerful WordPress solution for scaling online courses & memberships

Start with AccessAlly’s theme or use any other WordPress theme or builder, to get the exact look you’re after.

Then take advantage of the flexible course builder to design the learning experience you’ve always dreamed of. 

Add on the power of gamification, progress tracking, and teams to give even more momentum to your members.

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