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AccessAlly is Joining the Caseproof Family of Products

Today, I’m honored to announce that AccessAlly is joining the Caseproof team led by Blair Williams. That also means that AccessAlly will be a part of Syed Balkhi’s WPBeginner Growth Fund.

AccessAlly joins Caseproof
AccessAlly joins Caseproof

This year, AccessAlly celebrates 10 years of helping entrepreneurs and educators sell and deliver their offerings their way.

Back in 2012, Robin and I created the first version of AccessAlly during one frantic weekend to solve a problem caused by another plugin, which was causing our website hosting to shut down.

This quick-fix code has expanded into a full-fledged business that powers the learning of over 2,578,387 end users. A team of amazing individuals is making it better every day.

At over 249,643 lines of core code and plenty more features to be developed, this is just the beginning for AccessAlly.

Over the past 10 years, AccessAlly has been at the center of my life as the founder and manager of the business. 

The time has come to pass the torch to someone else.

Under this new leadership, you can expect the same level of care and focus on helping you reach your goals.

That’s because the entire team, including my co-founder and lead developer Robin Li, is staying on board.

With added expertise and resources from the team at Caseproof, AccessAlly will be better positioned for the next 10 years of growth and expansion.

What’s changing? Not a whole lot, but AccessAlly is returning to a 5-day workweek, so if you need support on a Friday, we’re there for you.

There were a lot of factors that led to my decision to hand over the reins of AccessAlly to someone else, including wanting to spend more time with my aging parents and young children, while keeping our small farm running.

I believe this is the best move for AccessAlly’s future, and the mission is only going to be invigorated by this transition.

I’m often reminded that the only constant in life is change. 

I’m incredibly grateful to have had the pleasure of helping build AccessAlly into what it is today.

I also recognize that I played a small part and that every team member, customer, and partner has co-created and shaped us as a company and product.

May the future be bright, and with Caseproof at the helm, I know it will be.

Nathalie Lussier

What Does This Mean for the Future of AccessAlly?

The outlook for AccessAlly is bright, especially now that it’s joining the Caseproof team led by CEO Blair Williams. You might not immediately recognize Blair Williams’ name, but chances are you’re familiar with at least one of the notable WordPress plugins created and/or maintained by his team at Caseproof:

MemberPress: This comprehensive membership plugin for WordPress enables you to manage access to various content like posts, pages, and custom post types, depending on user purchases or subscriptions.

MemberMouse: An enterprise-grade membership plugin for WordPress, MemberMouse offers a robust solution for managing large-scale membership sites. It features advanced automation capabilities, extensive member management tools, and deep integration with popular payment gateways and marketing tools, making it ideal for businesses looking for a powerful, scalable membership system.

WishList Member: Known for its vast array of payment integrations, WishList Member is one of the most flexible membership plugins available. It supports a wide variety of payment gateways, making it easy for site owners to accept payments from virtually anywhere in the world. In addition to its payment flexibility, WishList Member also offers detailed member management and content protection features that help site owners create a seamless user experience.

Easy Affiliate: This plugin allows you to establish and run an affiliate program to boost traffic and sales significantly.

Pretty Links: A sophisticated plugin for link management and redirection, ideal for enhancing link functionality and performance with features like split testing and link rotation.

Thirsty Affiliates: This tool goes beyond simple link cloaking; it’s designed to aid bloggers in earning revenue from their sites.

Buy Now Plus: This service makes it straightforward to accept credit card payments through simple buttons on your website or social media, powered by Stripe.

With AccessAlly now under Blair Williams’ leadership, the plugin is poised for significant growth. Blair is not only a seasoned entrepreneur and WordPress developer but also deeply knowledgeable about WordPress membership ecosystems. His vision for AccessAlly is ambitious, and his leadership is a welcome development.

Additionally, in 2018, Caseproof became part of the WPBeginner Growth Fund, joining forces with Syed Balki, the mastermind behind WP Beginner and many more of the most widely used WordPress plugins. This collaboration means AccessAlly will benefit from vast resources and expertise within the WordPress community.

What This Means for Existing AccessAlly Users

Change can often bring uncertainty. However, we are excited about the future possibilities for AccessAlly. Here’s what won’t change:

  • AccessAlly will retain its brand and independence.
  • Our operational practices, pricing for current customers, and the core platform will remain consistent.
  • Our support team will continue providing the exceptional service you are used to.

What’s exciting about this transition? The combined efforts of the Caseproof and AccessAlly teams will focus on enhancing and simplifying AccessAlly. Expect to see significant developments and improvements to the platform in the near future.

Blair Williams will take the lead for AccessAlly moving forward, with the current team staying in place to ensure continuity in support, product development, and content delivery.

Ultimately, this change means AccessAlly is joining a larger family of WordPress products, bringing together more knowledge, experience, and resources to foster growth and make AccessAlly the top and most feature-rich WordPress membership plugin available!

Nathalie Lussier

I’m a writer, technologist, and regenerative farmer. I founded AccessAlly with my husband in one frantic weekend to solve my immediate course platform issues. Over a decade later the company has grown, and our product has evolved to serve millions of learners across the globe.

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