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Memberships Made Easy with AccessAlly: The All-In-One WordPress Membership Plugin

WordPress membership plugin site example

Most WordPress membership plugins:

Use membership tiers to segment people and permissions, which can make it difficult to handle individual courses, downloads, and upgrades or downgrades

Make it hard to add and deliver content on your ideal schedule, because they don’t have strong automation capabilities

Don’t have a smooth way to handle integration with your email marketing platform, and require too many add-ons to be effective

These Limitations Hinder Your Growth

The WordPress membership plugin you choose should enhance your growth.

The right plugin will make it easy to scale, pivot, and build as your market changes.

We understand the complexity of picking the right WordPress membership plugin.

Don’t get stuck with one that doesn’t do exactly what you need.

Or worse, be led on by an impressive feature list only to find out the WordPress membership plugin you chose requires multiple add-ons, integrations, and duct tape to get what you really want.

AccessAlly is Different

AccessAlly is a WordPress membership plugin that stands out among the rest.

We make membership management easy with tag-based control, deep integration with your CRM, and ultimate flexibility when it comes to the structure and design of your membership site.

You may also want to run everything from your AccessAlly site, with minimal integrations and you can do that too.

Membership management made easy with the best wordPress Membership Plugin

Use tag-based permission to handle access, including as many membership levels as you wish. It’s easy for members to upgrade or downgrade on their own with AccessAlly. Subscription plans can automatically be prorated, too

Deliver content on any schedule you desire: delayed, on a certain date at a specific time, completion-based unlocking, cohort style. Any delivery schedule you can dream up, AccessAlly can accommodate.

Deep, two-way integration with your CRM allows seamless communication between AccessAlly and the CRM. This creates a unique, custom, and individual experience for your members.

AccessAlly makes Membership Management Easy

What AccessAlly Customers Are Saying...

Natasha Holland

"For Anyone Not Sure Whether To Go For AccessAlly, I Say DO!

We came from a Squarespace membership site with Mailchimp, and I knew absolutely nothing about WordPress, CRM systems, or AccessAlly.

I have done all the work myself with really fast and solid support from the AccessAlly team. I can’t sing everyone’s praises highly enough.

Oh and our two relaunched courses on our new AccessAlly membership site? Clients just love it, and we’ve just won a MAJOR UK consultancy contract to do team licensing in no small part thanks to the platform we can now offer.”

-Natasha Holland

Photo of Ana-Maria Janes

"Fewer integrations are needed to make it all work

I literally purchased and asked for refunds to 4 other membership/course options because I couldn’t get them to do what I wanted. I knew that AccessAlly would be amazing but I did not realize how amazing. It’s hard to explain but it’s all in the details.

For example it serves as both a membership site and a course plugin. When I tried to use a membership plugin, I had to figure out how to integrate with the course plugin.”

-Ana-Maria Janes

You're a serious business owner who wants a flourishing membership site.

If you’re already selling membership subscriptions, courses, and digital content… AccessAlly makes it easy for you to deliver it all at scale.

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Offer All Kinds Of Membership Levels

Free Membership Levels

Start with a free membership level or offer a free mini-course or download.

Watch how the dashboard can upsell free members into your paid membership levels.

A free version of your membership adds immediate value and builds trust in you and your membership site.

Paid Membership Levels

Create any number of paid membership levels.

Use the 1-click upgrade and downgrade features to allow members to manage their own subscriptions or recurring payments.

Automatically restrict content if a payment fails.

Evergreen Membership Levels

Content dripping is easy with AccessAlly.

Create an Evergreen Membership type and drip content based on the day they join the membership.

Setup your membership content dripping to happen daily, weekly, monthly, or any other interval you can dream up.

Offer All Kinds Of Membership Types

Membership Cohorts

Start your membership on a specific date.

Have everyone who joins get the same content and emails on the same day, so everyone is in sync.

Pro-Tip: Use the Private Notes features to communicate individually with your members!

All-Access, Netflix Style

Members can access all of your membership site content when they join.

Once they cancel or a payment fails, restrict access automatically.

When they correct their payment or rejoin, they’ll have all access again, automatically.

Sell Past Content

If you offer monthly content that starts on the day a new member joins.

AccessAlly makes it easy to sell past content on an individual basis.

You’ll earn more money from new members who want access to back issues they’ve missed out on.

Design Your WordPress Membership Site So it will grow with you and pay for itself

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Screenshot of a membership site order form for registering using the AccessAlly plugin

4 different ways to handle wordPress membership registration

Most WordPress membership plugins force a registration form through the default WordPress sign-up process. With AccessAlly, you can create new users through:

  • Offer a free opt-in via your email marketing platform. After the new member opts in, you can log them into the membership site automatically. They won’t have to wait for an email to see your free content.
  • Sell access via an AccessAlly order form with recurring payments, a one-time payment, or a payment plan. Easily offer a paid or free trial. Once they purchase, they’ll be automatically logged in. If they were already a free member, they’ll have the same login information.
  • Team leaders can purchase and team members can join a team through the bulk course enrollment feature. Once team leaders purchase access for their team members, they can join through a simple registration link, or be manually signed up.
  • Any other shopping cart via your CRM. As long as the payment gateway integrates with your email marketing system, it can communicate with AccessAlly through a webhook.

A Superior Login Experience Makes for Happier Members

The whole point of a members-only area is that you need to ask each member to log in to the membership site. But if the login experience is cumbersome or glitchy, you’re losing trust and even sales.

With AccessAlly you can:

  • Design beautiful login and “forgot password” pages so they match your brand
  • Automatically log in members after they fill out a free opt-in, or after they purchase a paid membership level on your site
  • Use a Snappy Login Link™ to help members log in on a mobile device so they don’t have to remember their password. The Snappy Login Link™ is a unique expiring link that is emailed to the member that allows for a one-click login with no password required.
  • Use auto-login links in your CRM emails, so people don’t need to take an extra step to visit your site
  • Forward people to the original link you shared after they log in (instead of sending everyone to the main page and losing the momentum)
  • Send automated reminder emails if someone hasn’t logged in for awhile
Screenshot of Membership site Login Screen from Lola Pickett
Membership site cross-selling dashboard with the AccessAlly WordPress plugin

Cross-Selling Member Dashboards Increase Profitability

Whether you offer free content alongside your paid membership levels or not, you’ll love the way that member dashboards are set up for you.

Each section of your membership site (whether it’s different courses, monthly material, or modules) is displayed visually so members know what’s theirs and what’s available.

A different icon will be displayed based on availability, and you can even use your dashboard to show content that’s coming soon or link to a 1-click upsell page.

Drag and drop modules and courses in the Dashboard builder, or design your own by including only the pages you want to highlight.

Optionally, you can add a “Resume” button to let people go back to the last place they left off when they log in the next time.

Unlimited Membership Formats (thanks to tag-based permissions)

Most WordPress membership plugins use “tiers” (like silver, gold, platinum) to represent a unique membership level of investment and content.

With AccessAlly, you can create as many membership levels as you want.

You’re not limited to the same format for each membership and you can mix and match with courses or one-off content.

Everything is tagged-based, which means you can control member permissions (restrict content or give access) by adding or removing tags inside your CRM or AccessAlly for ultimate flexibility.

This allows you to do unique things like creating:

  • An ongoing membership program where you can drip content over time (on your ideal schedule!)
  • Multi-Level membership management, to encourage subscribers to upgrade to a higher membership level (AccessAlly can even prorate their new subscription, so none of their investment is lost!)
Membership Site Tier Examples using AccessAlly plugin for WordPress
Screenshot showing how to build a membership site using the offerings wizard within the AccessAlly plugin

Organized & Protected Content for Your Membership Program

With AccessAlly’s drag-and-drop Offerings Wizard, you can design any content structure to fit any format you envision for your membership website.

Think membership levels, online courses with modules and lessons, affiliate areas, and downloadable resources. You name it and you can create it!

The Offerings Wizard will walk you through all the steps you need to make sure the foundation of your content and corresponding user permission settings are in place: automatically creating tags in your CRM, adding pages, and even creating your order forms.

Plus you can upload content like MP3s or PDFs to Amazon S3 and have it automatically protected by tag, through AccessAlly’s protected content manager.

Sophisticated Membership Management Tools

Even with the best membership site strategy and community, you’ll experience failed payments and churn. How much of a headache these things are depends on your set up. This is where AccessAlly’s admin tools are invaluable, allowing you to do things like:

  • Process cancellations & refunds with one click (even partial refunds)
  • Follow up when a credit card declines, with a link to have members update their card on file
  • Merge duplicate users, or change their permissions
  • Skip payments (to give members a break or have them return later)

If you have AccessAlly Pro, you also get unique LMS features that allow you to track how users are interacting with your content, which can really help keep members engaged and subscribed for longer.

screenshot showing details for recurring payments or a one time payment in AccessAlly
Screenshot showing settings for recurring payments

Design Your Own Recurring Payment Terms

Use AccessAlly’s mobile-friendly order forms to increase conversions and take payments the way you’ve always wanted to, including:

  • Free or paid trials of any length (that automatically rolls over into a paid member subscriptions)
  • Flexible recurring payment cycles (like every year, or every X months)
  • Ongoing subscriptions (ends only when the subscriber initiates a cancellation)
  • Payment plans (4 payments of $125)
  • One-off payments for individual courses or 1-click upsells
  • With sales tax, VAT, and other fees you’re legally responsible to collect as an online business owner.

AccessAlly’s e-commerce functionality is so robust, it really is a feature unto itself. Learn more about AccessAlly’s recurring subscription features.

Dripped Content & Live Releases for Different Members

With AccessAlly you can control how your content is dripped out to your members from right inside the interface. You can also create the content release campaigns inside your CRM and apply a different “kickstart” tag based on how you want the content to be released.

That means you can have different groups of people experiencing different sequences of content. You can even use quizzes to help segment people and provide a better learning experience based on what they need to learn most.

You can easily set up dripped content releases, live group cohorts, and even have different teachers and group leaders help manage it all with bulk course enrollment.

Image of content dripping options in Active Campaign integration with AccessAlly

Quick Membership Plugin Comparisons

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The WordPress Member Solution Designed to Sell More,
Teach Better, and Engage Longer

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