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Bulk Course Enrollment Made Easy

Also known as umbrella accounts, group registration, and corporate licensing: it’s a great way to sell existing courses to get more revenue.

Tablet with a screenshot of a bulk course dashboard for AccessAlly Teams

If you've tried to sell bulk course licenses before, you might have felt

  • Overwhelmed by the number of different LMS plugins and membership add-ons required to make it all work
  • Locked in by all-in-one SaaS platforms that make it easy to sell online courses, but don’t offer any group training accounts or group user registrations
  • Sticker shocked by the cost of developing and maintaining your own course licensing system

You shouldn’t have to deal with software that restricts how you enroll students...

We understand the complexity of picking the right learning management system. And the possibility of getting stuck with a process that doesn’t deliver the licensing options you need to run a successful online training course.

That’s why we created AccessAlly Teams.

How does the Bulk Enroll Users Process work?

You might have heard bulk courses referred to as umbrella accounts, white label course licensing, team accounts, or volume license registrations.

The idea is simple, but powerful: you create a set of online courses that can be sold to multiple users at once.

The AccessAlly Teams feature is not a way for you to have other course creators upload their courses into a “marketplace” of courses. You’ll still be the one in charge of uploading course materials.

The company, family, or school that buys your courses are able to bulk enroll students in your courses and see their progress.

You can even nest teams within teams, so a management team can oversee others.

The best part? You can charge more for the same content when you’re offering volume licenses.

What AccessAlly Customers Are Saying...

Photo of Christine Capone

"I got my course up and running in one week-end!

Thank you for the add and I gotta tell ya that I am so happy that I signed up for AccessAlly! 

I had a course on my hard drive for years and decided to get it out there annnnnddd… I did it all in a weekend. Yes, 12 modules, 4 lessons in each, CRM integrated and it all looks so pretty! So excited and grateful for this tool.

Your set up tutorials are so easy to follow and that is what made it possible.”

-Christine Capone D’Auria

Natasha Holland

"For anyone not sure whether to go for AccessAlly, I say DO!

We came from a Squarespace site with Mailchimp, and I knew absolutely nothing about WordPress, CRM systems or AccessAlly, and have done all the work myself with really fast and solid support from the AccessAlly team. I can’t sing everyone’s praises highly enough. Oh and our two relaunched courses on our new AccessAlly platform? Clients just love it, and we’ve just won a MAJOR UK consultancy contract to do team licensing in no small part thanks to the platform we can now offer.”

-Natasha Holland

User Bulk Enrollment works to create groups for...


The list of example courses spans languages to math and science. Students receive an email, while teachers take the admin role.

Corporate Trainings

Companies understand the value of investing in their employees’ education and skills more than ever.


Parents want to be able to participate in their kids’ online lessons and see their progress easily in one column.

Automotive Industries

Any industry that can benefit from cutting-edge information can benefit from an online training site and user bulk enrollment.

Sales & Real Estate Training

Anyone in the sales field knows they must receive continued education and support to stay on top of their profession.

Musical Instruction

Music teachers are seeing ways to leverage their skills into “on the go” digital learning enrollments with bulk account sales.

Enroll Students in groups so you can move your training upmarket without putting in more work.

See Plans and Pricing

Start Experiencing Bigger Paydays by Selling Your Courses to Bigger Clients

Everything you need to bulk enroll users is included in AccessAlly. You don’t need additional LMS or membership plugins. The process is simple: you create your course and administrators click enroll users to bulk enroll or add them one by one on a user bulk enrollment page.

Set Team Licenses

#1 Decide on a team structure

You’re in full control of your site. You decide what you want enrollments to look like, from:

  • Number of student licenses included in a team
  • What courses or existing content is included
  • The admin management options you make available (from assigning co-leaders, running CRM automation, or deleting users)

This feature also easily allows team owners to select the upgrade or downgrade button. With one click their entire student access will be updated and their menu will reflect the changes.

That means more flexibility for you. And more opportunities for revenue as teams expand in size or need additional training.

The process remains the same on the user bulk enrollment page, so it’s a seamless experience.

#2 Set A Subscription or One Time Price for Course Access

Decide how much to charge to bulk enroll students, whether you want to charge a recurring subscription fee or a flat one-time or payment plan option. You have two options when it comes to selling bulk courses online:

  1. Using AccessAlly built-in order forms.
  2. Using your existing CRM-integrated shopping cart (like Ontraport, Infusionsoft, SamCart, WooCommerce, ThriveCart, ClickFunnels).

If you’re using AccessAlly’s order form feature, you can also take advantage of 1-click upsells to give administrative users a way to purchase additional licenses. Without entering the company credit card again.

If you’re not charging for your courses because they’re being used at a school, you can import administrators and members directly by uploading a CSV file.

Being in control of the course enrollment process from end to end means you can simplify your life. And get more students learning.

Screenshot of Purchasing Bulk Courses

#3 Administrators Start to Invite Users

Once you’ve made your first bulk course sale or invited the first administrative user:

  • Team administrators can click enroll users to invite students, manage access, and see their progress all in one place
  • Administrators can import a CSV file to enroll multiple users at once
  • Users can also self-register through a link to get their new account
  • AccessAlly sends a notification to all new users with their login details to access your course

If you’d prefer to provide a more hands-on service, you can also upload a CVS file with first and last name, email, and any other custom fields you want to include.

If you have multiple “types of teams” you can include each of these administration areas on the same student course page or keep them separate. With AccessAlly teams, you’re in control!

Screenshot of team management section

#4 Administrative Users Can Track Enrollments & Student Progress

As the site owner, you decide what information you want administrative users to have access to. After your team process is created, admin users have their own dashboard page on your site.

Unlike other membership and course plugins that don’t talk to each other, with AccessAlly you can pull in all of the student progress and quiz results in one place. There’s even a private note communication method for administrators.

Plus with AccessAlly’s deep email marketing and CRM automation integration, you can have team leaders kick off emails, give points, or unlock additional courses or content.

This is awesome for parents wanting to manage their kids’ learning or companies that need to track progress toward certifications. 

Screenshot of progress tracking

#5 Display Team Members in Searchable Directories

Doing bulk course enrollment is just the beginning, you can also display teams using the built-in member directory.

This is a search-friendly way to provide progress information and key details across teams at a company (and maybe even motivate people to finish courses faster!).

Search any field in a profile, have members update their own information and photo, and filter based on any criteria you choose.

When you bulk enroll users, you can also categorize them easily and display their information on any course page through a directory or leaderboard.

Tablet with a member directory

This Method Gives You An Edge

By choosing to license your courses for groups and corporations, you’re tapping into a new revenue stream for your business.

Clients who purchase multiple student seats through course licensing expect a smooth buying experience, so don’t leave your delivery in the hands of a duct-taped solution.

By choosing one course licensing and delivery plugin that handles everything from the payment to the delivery, you’re elevating the client experience. That means your customers and their students are more likely to succeed and sing your praises.

Start Landing Opportunities You've Always Dreamed Of

You have a choice:

  1. You can keep selling your courses on a one-off basis
  2. You can try to duct tape a system together to sell bulk course licenses

Or take advantage of the most flexible and powerful online course plugin on the market, and get started with AccessAlly today.


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